Interested in discussions and samples of Macedonian folk songs?
David Bilides and Dragi Spasovski are back with another podcast for you in their series of expanded discussions for each of the 54 songs in Dragi’s 3-CD set.

Episode 45: Neli si se naspalo

This is a love song of the Macedonian Muslims living in the greater Šar Planina area. Dragi talks about the Isjanovska sisters, describes the Macedonian Muslim dialect, and discusses that singing tradition, both its continuity and its evolution.

You can…

1) Download the podcast directly from the site:
2) Listen to the podcast without downloading it, as an audio stream from the same page on the site;
3) Subscribe to the entire series from the same page on the site or through iTunes or similar software.
4) Get more information about the 3-CD set here:

Episodes on the site have additional audio and links discussed in the podcast.

As always, comments and suggestions are welcome.
Have fun listening!