Dear Folk Dance Friends,
I have started to host virtual dance sessions for my dance groups but now I’m ready to open it to anyone who would like to folk dance with us.
You are all invited to join a virtual international folk dance this Thursday at 7:50pm EDT (dancing starts at 8:00pm).
In this sessions I do not teach and we just dance as together as possible.
The program is based on dances that I taught in my classes in Richmond Hill and King City and we start with very easy dances.
To join the Zoom dance click:
Or directly from Zoom:
Meeting ID: 735 940 4315
Password: dance
It is important that during the dances your sound will be muted. I will mute you all just before we dance, and please do not push the ‘unmute’ button unless there is something very wrong that you need to point out. Also, you should be aware that there might be a slight delay between the music and the video..
Looking forward to dance together