I have a Google Form collecting registrations. You will get a confirmation email from the form giving you a link so you can modify your registration if you like. It is a private link only for you. I cannot modify your registration for you, so don’t delete that email please. Let me know if you have any difficulty with the form.
The cost is $160 for the entire weekend including meals, with an option to stay in one of my many beds (enough room for at least 6). First come, first served. A few beds have already been spoken for.
I don’t intend to make any money at this, so if it turns out $160 was way too much to charge, after all the bills have been paid, I intend to distribute refunds.
The teaching workshop will be held in my house, because I don’t want the extra job of finding a suitable venue, especially when I don’t know how many people want to attend. Plus I know there are lots of nooks and crannies here for break-out spaces, and Roberto wants that.
My basement studio gets crowded at about 20 people, so when we reach that number, I will cut off registration.
Tuesday,September 25, 7-10pm, Roberto Bagnoli will do a dance workshop at Burnaby International Folk Dancing at Charles Rummel Community Centre, 3630 Lozells Ave, Burnaby. Admission: $10 drop-in, or $5 for BIFD members.
Thursday,September 27, 7-10pm, Roberto Bagnoli will do a dance workshop at Surrey International Folk Dancing at Walnut Road Elementary School, 16152 82 Ave, Surrey. Admission: $10 drop-in, or $5 for SIFD members.