Metro DC Area – Greenbelt International Folk Dance – virtual
Local time: 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm EST

We do a variety of line, circle and couple dances mostly from the Balkans, Scandinavia and other parts of Europe. If you’ve ever wondered about music in odd rhythms – like 7, 9 and 11 – come and get hooked on this wonderful music & dance, which includes these great dance rhythms and more.

WHAT TO EXPECT: Splitting the evening as your hosts are Linda Mansdorf, Vita Hollander, Ben Hole, Nancy Jo Lame and John Robinson. Collectively they will play around 25-30 dances, which should approximate the number of dances we normally do on a Friday night in-person event. The hosts will do a quick teaching or demonstration of the steps to some of the dances that may be less familiar to you or just as a refresher, but the session is not designed as a workshop, so the majority of the evening will be spent playing dances that many of us already know and love to do.
If you’d like to join us, please contact John Robinson at ten.nozirev@nosnibors_j to get the zoom link.

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